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It may sound like a brave new way to ago about it, but as Einstein said You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew How is that for a powerful problem solving ethic. Lets say you have a personal development goal to become a motivational speaker but have a fear of speaking in front of people. Imagine you can create a save place where you can motivate yourself and practice role-playing as much as you need to to overcome this challenge. In a similar way lucid dreaming can give you the ability to deal with any such fears. What if you need to change your feelings and thoughts around how you few humanity and need to cultivate a more positive view, because you may have realized it is keeping you back in other areas in your life. You could create a new dream character, Nelson Mandela and then have an insightful discussion with him about how he was motivated and driven to be so forgiving and the ultimate humanitarian after everything that was done to him. Remember after all your dreams are created by yourself so all these techniques is an attempt to learn more about yourself to help you figure out what you need to change. This gift can be use in so many different ways. Your creative imagination is the only thing that will keep you back, but then lucid dreaming could be used to help you be more creative.

The ever growing popularity of online social networks results from the ease, convenience and fun of ‘connecting’ with others on the internet! On the other hand however does using social networking also contribute to restricting our much needed social skills development? Read more to see 5 reasons why spending too much time using social networking online can diminish our effectiveness to interface socially with others in person! The ever growing popularity of online social networks results from the ease, convenience and fun of ‘connecting’ with others on the internet! On the other hand however does using social networking also contribute to restricting our much needed social skills development? The focus and stance of this writer proposes that spending too much time ‘socializing’ within the internet environment can in fact erode your interpersonal skills! Following are 5 reasons why spending too much time using social networking online can diminish our effectiveness to interface socially with others in person! This erodes our ability to ‘think on our feet’ or navigate ‘uncomfortable situations! By choosing what conversations we want to participate in is great for staying in your comfort zone but lousy for developing interpersonal skills!

Lots of people are afraid of change because they don’t know whether that change will be for good or bad, and they are anxious about the possible consequences. However we cannot live without change so if you are a person who fears change then below are some Personal Development tips which could help you to cure yourself of this fear. Life is never all good for anybody, there will always be low points as well as high, and this is just the way things are. So your first step in curing your fear of change is to accept that change is inevitable. Do not try to avoid change you need to face the fear and the experiences which change brings, be they good or bad, and learn from these. If you consider problems logically, and accept that they are a normal aspect of everybody’s life, then you can use them to your advantage. This way you will become stronger, and be on your way to conquering your fear of change. One strategy suggested by professionals is to look at the worst situations you’ve been in, and analyze them to see where you made mistakes.

If you have the needed skills and expertise to help individuals improve their critical thinking, leadership skills, and confidence, you can go ahead and make money by offering them with personal development training programs. 1. Understand the problem. I recommend that you do one-on-one training programs so you can easily address the unique needs and demands of your prospects. Start by meeting up with them and getting to know their problems. Ask them what keeps them from succeeding in their chosen career or the things that hinder them from being more productive. 2. Goal setting. After knowing their problems, the next thing that you need to do is to set up the goals for your training programs. Ask your clients what exactly they want to achieve. Keep in mind that your goals must be measurable and realistic. You can use these goals to gauge the success of your training sessions after the program has ended. If they were met, that means you were successful in helping your clients. 3. Plan ahead. What mediums are you going to use when conducting your trainings? How many days in a week are you going to meet with your clients? What information are you going to share with these people? What skills are you going to teach them? You will need to know the answers to these questions before you even start your training sessions to make the whole thing organized. 4. Solve the problems. Answer all the burning questions of your prospects and offer solutions to their pressing issues. Give them trainings and seminars to understand their problems and empower them to overcome their weaknesses.