I started with following many of the ideas in Dr. That is, these books are about breaking down the parenting process into components that a parent can then use to build personal parenting philosophies surrounding healthy communication, values teaching, raising self esteem, effective discipline and more. Jean Illsley Clarke and Connie Dawson provide the information every adult caring for children should know – about ages and stages of development, ways to nurture our children and ourselves, and tools for personal and family growth
Find ways to farm out the things you dont like to do. Accept that my values may be different than yours. There is varied parenting education and knowledge which we utilize and process differently. Understand that I may need to spend a lot of time with my friends
Of course they will never buy-in that this horrible new idea of mom/dads is good. This style creates resentment, more resistance, and wounds in both of you. But if you choose this method, it would be wise to get a handful of child-rearing guides as opposed to counting on a single resource to fix your problem
We soon separated and she filed for divorced. The court must consider all relevant factors when determining what is in the child’s best interests. In Delaware, parents can either share joint legal custody or one parent can have sole legal custody. Whatever problems you may have with your former spouse do not bring your children into these problems by asking them to take sides